As we made our final trip to open camp, our borrowed truck looked more like we were going to the dump. We bought an old door at a salvage center to replace our main camp door so we can get some more much needed light into our dark living room. And we have a new queen size mattress for “The Lily Pad” – the big bunk house.
Our first guests were the kids and the grandkids on Memorial Day weekend. Aaron flew in on Cape Air from Boston to Saranac Lake. We had amazing weather for early season, perhaps better than all of last year. We swam, fished, had a camp fire, played and ate. And, I finally have a serious scrabble partner in Lily. Asa got a new Superman fishing pole from our island neighbor Lloyd and it was a big hit. We did have an issue with Lucy, the Kramer’s new black lab as she wanted to retrieve the bobber as soon as it was cast.
A last day trip to The Wild Center – The Natural History Museum of The Adirondacks – and a hike around the grounds gave us another photo op of Lily climbing a “tip-up” – an uprooted tree root.
Overall, a good start to the season. But, we are headed back to Vermont Wed thru Monday while Eliza and the family vacation in Orlando. The dog, the ducks, and the veggies need a babysitter and alas this time it is us. Currently it is 50 degrees and we have the wood burner keeping us toasty. Hey, a good day for some summer fiction.
Till the next post – tootleloo!
Saranac Lake? Fun!